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Publish With Us


Why publish with us?

McGraw Hill India is a learning solutions company. We are a leading educational and professional publisher with trusted content, innovative technology and outstanding service.

McGraw Hill offer a number of competitive advantages that will help your product reach the widest possible audience and achieve deserved success.

  • IPDM - The Integrated Product Development Model. Unique in the industry, the IPDM is a set of tools enabling an integrated collaboration between author, editorial, marketing, sales, digital, media services and design. It creates an author-centred, market-driven final product that maximises market share.
  • Sales and Marketing Specialisation - McGraw Hill India’s specialist sales and marketing team contribute thorough knowledge of markets and customers, stronger relationships and deeper market penetration for your product.
  • Digital and New Media Innovation - McGraw Hill has an established track record in innovation and setting technology standards. Our digital development team offer experience, creativity and enthusiasm in discovering new ways to deliver and enhance your content.
  • Global Network - While India is the centre of excellence in teaching and research in our own right, McGraw Hill ensures that your product has international representation with our global network. With offices in over 30 countries and publications in more than 40 languages, we give our authors worldwide reach.

Publishing and Partnering with McGraw Hill India


Guidelines for new proposal

Proposal Guidelines

At McGraw Hill India we are always looking for fresh ideas, new opportunities or simply a different perspective on an established subject. The first step in evaluating a new concept is for you to prepare a publishing proposal. The purpose of a publishing proposal is to provide detailed information on your intended project that will allow us to accurately assess its commercial viability. Be aware that your proposal will be used for internal evaluation procedures and may well be used for external peer review to help us objectively assess the merit of the project. The review process will not only help us reach a publishing decision but is very useful in identifying any minor areas for improvement at this early stage.

Preparing a Proposal 

Concept to Contract

So you have submitted a proposal and heard from an editor who thinks the idea may fit our publishing program - how exciting! But you like to understand the steps involved from developing your concept, writing the work and the production stage, through to the market launch and sales activities? If your proposal has received an initially encouraging evaluation then the appropriate publishing editor will coordinate the next steps. This includes market research, reviewing, team meetings, project costings and possible presentation to the publishing committee. The time frame for this varies and depends on the type of project, the complexity of the market analysis required and reviewer availability. An outline is provided here, though your editor will provide specific timelines according to your project’s individual needs. Every step of the publishing and production process is designed to add value to your project and build upon its competitive edge. We have experienced and dedicated teams to each stage that work closely with you on the development of your product.

Concept to Contract 

Author Onboarding Kit 

If you wish to publish with us, send your queries to [email protected] and attach the duly filled "Book proposal form". We will respond to you at the earliest.

Download the form below to proceed 

Book proposal form

As a current or prospective McGraw Hill India author you will be joining a stable of esteemed authors who are leaders in their field. We would welcome the opportunity to learn more about yourself, your ideas and how you wish to contribute.